1Injaro Ghana Venture Capital FundInjaro Investment Advisors LimitedEducation, Healthcare, Inclusive Financial Services, Food & Agribusiness, Light Manufacturing, Industrial Services (Services for Mining & Oil and Gas Sectors)+233 (0) 302950917
igvcf@injaroinvestments.comInjaro Investments
2Wangara Green VenturesWangara Capital PartnersClean Energy, Climate-smart Agriculture, Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Water Management & Climate-Friendly Businesses+233 30 277 9203info@wangaracapital.comWangara Green Ventures
3Mirepa Capital SME Fund IMirepa Investment Advisors LtdLight Manufacturing, Technology & Cleantech/Climate Change Mitigation, Within
• Agribusiness
• Education
• Healthcare
• Financial Inclusion Services
(030)294-3226 / (059)385-7476 / (059)385-7483info@mirepaadvisors.comMirepa Capital SME Fund
4Industrial Support Fund (ISF) Ghana Venture Capital LtdImpact Capital AdvisorsAgribusiness & Light Manufacturing+233 50 211 1953info@impcapadv.comISF
5Oasis Africa Fund IIOasis Capital Ghana LtdGrowth & Expansion –
Health services, Financial services, Food services, Private education, and Technology-enabled businesses.
+233 302 522629 / +233 544 357020info@oasiscapitalghana.comOasis Capital
Investee Companies
0 +
Direct Jobs
0 +
Indirect Jobs
0 +

Mode of Operations

VCTF operates through Venture Capital Finance Companies (VCFC). Each VCFC is managed by a Fund Manager, licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). VCFCs (fund vehicle) act as intermediaries between SMEs requiring funds for viable business projects and the Trust Fund. Investment proposals are received and reviewed by the Managers of the VCFCs, who have the mandate to decide on investments after approval process by the their Investment Committees / Boards.


VCFCs are encouraged to invest in all sectors of the economy but are precluded from investing in businesses that engage in direct imports to sell.

An SME is defined under the VCTF Act as a business whose total assets base, excluding land and building, does not exceed the cedi equivalent of USD 1million and whose total number of employees do not exceed 100 persons.



Each VCFC is responsible for:

  1. Deal sourcing
  2. Selection
  3. Monitoring
  4. Exit of investments.