The Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF) has committed GH¢35million to the Zinari Women’s Enterprise Fund (Z-WEF)—the nation’s first fund dedicated to supporting women-led enterprises. Focused on empowering small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) led by women, this fund will drive growth in vital sectors such as food and agriculture as well as manufacturing and consumer goods, reinforcing the country’s commitment to gender equity and economic development. The signing ceremony, held at VCTF’s Accra offices, brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including the Board Chairman of VCTF and the Director of the Ghana Enterprises Transformation Project (GETP). With VCTF’s GH¢35million commitment,
The domestic venture capital and private equity (VC/PE) sector is witnessing a resurgence of interest from local investors, driven primarily by increasing confidence and a collaborative approach championed by the Venture Capital Trust Fund (VCTF)… In an interview, Percival Ofori Ampomah, General Manager-VCTF, shed light on the fund’s ongoing efforts to engage and educate co-investors in ensuring the industry’s sustainability and growth…
Ghana’s Venture Capital Trust Fund has gone beyond its own equity financing of early stage SMEs – in collaboration with private investors – to engage in several key initiatives aimed at creating a self-sustaining, private sector led venture capital and private equity industry…